Thursday, October 9, 2014

Feeling and Expressing Thankfulness

We may use the words “Thank you” on a regular basis.  Sometimes it comes with little thought or feeling, as if on automatic, such as in response to someone opening a door for us or similar gesture.  We may give no more attention to the kindness once the words have left our lips.

Then there are times when the kindness or service offered by others affects us so greatly that “thank you” seems like an insignificant way to express our gratitude.  The caring and thoughtfulness shown to us may affect us deeply, to our very core.  Their gifts change us from within and allow us to live more fully.  These individuals ignite the joy and happiness within us, bringing out the best in us and others.  Our world is a better place because they are in it!  It is at times like this that we are conscious of the benefit received, we feel the fullness of thanks overflowing from our beings and no doubt we express our thankfulness verbally, in writing or in deed!

We have so much to be thankful for – for our loved ones, pets, shelter, food, clothing, learning experiences and the list goes on.  Even when we are experiencing challenges in one form or another, there is always someone or something in our life to be thankful for.

Being in the moment when interacting with others, allows us to more consciously observe the many gifts we receive each day.  Keeping a gratitude journal or taking the time out to reflect and feel each person or situation (past, present or future) with a wide open heart will do much to enrich us and draw more things to be grateful for into our lives.  When we feel the fullness of thanks, we will notice changes in our physical bodies as well, if we take notice.  We may feel tingles, lightness and incredible joy.  We are literally vibrating and rippling this energy into the world around us!  Definitely feeling our thankfulness is very powerful on its own.

When we take it up a notch, expressing our thankfulness will amplify the fullness for us and for all who witness it.  It becomes powerfully contagious, igniting joy and happiness in others, in turn, bringing out the best in them!  So the cycle continues…

In doing this, we remember we are shining souls, all assisting each other to remember we are all shining souls!  How incredible is that?

SHERRY BUIKEMA began learning about energy healing ways and developed a dream. It was a dream of a beautiful place in nature, where friends gather for meditation and self-healing. In 2012, with the help of her very supportive husband, One Place To Be was born.  October 2013 saw the first day retreat, with regular retreats going forward. In line with this dream, Sherry has completed her Reiki Masters and Reconnective Healing® training and is assisting others to reconnect with the fullness of their beings on all levels.

(for more on this topic see Gratitude – Unlock Your Dreams article on March 6, 2014)

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